Business Loans

Loans for Your Business or Agricultural Operation

Any business, large or small, established or start-up, commercial, retail or agriculture, has financial needs. Mayville State Bank knows the importance of the success of our local businesses and agriculture as well as the impact it has on the strength of the area’s economy. We are here to help local business owners and farmers get the real estate, equipment and additional financing they need. From small to large businesses and farms, the lenders at Mayville State Bank are ready to help in any way possible.

Business and Agriculture Real Estate Loans

Having a successful business or farming operation requires the right buildings and amount of space. Real estate loans from Mayville State Bank give you the flexibility to find the right building or land to start your business or farm growing.  Contact the lenders at any Mayville State Bank office to see how they can help.

Business and Agriculture Equipment Loans

Without the right equipment you can’t operate your business or farm like you need to. Mayville State Bank makes purchasing your equipment and machinery as easy as possible. Our lenders sit down with you to figure out your needs, then help structure a loan to get you the financing you need at a rate and maturity period that is right for you.

Business and Agriculture Lines of Credit

Your farm or business has costs throughout the year. A line of credit gives you the flexibility to draw funds to cover operating expenses as needed. Need to purchase raw material or repair a piece of farming equipment? A business or ag line of credit is your solution.  Talk to a lender at Mayville State Bank today to see if a line of credit for your business or farm fits your needs.